Flowers By The Bay

Featured Products

Red Rose Love Bouquet
Red Rose Love Bouquet
From $99.00
Single Rose
Single Rose
From $45.00
Red Rose Love Box Arrangement
Red Rose Love Box Arrangement
From $99.00
Florist Choice Box Arrangement - Seasonal Flowers
Florist Choice Box Arrangement - Seasonal Flowers
From $80.00
Florist Choice Bouquet
Florist Choice Bouquet
From $80.00
From $105.00
Native Bouquet
Native Bouquet
From $95.00
Colour Rose Bouquet
Colour Rose Bouquet
From $99.00
From $60.00
From $53.00
From $55.00
From $98.00
Out Of
From $59.00
Hamptons Bouquet
Hamptons Bouquet
From $99.00
Corsage (Formal)
Corsage (Formal)
From $65.00
From $92.00
Oriental Lily and Rose Envelope Arrangement
Oriental Lily and Rose Envelope Arrangement
From $150.00
Medium Gift Box Tilley
Medium Gift Box Tilley
From $95.00
From $80.00
Peppermint Grove Candle - Pink Blush
Peppermint Grove Candle - Pink Blush
From $44.95

About Flowers By The Bay

Our motto is “Happiness Delivered”, we strive to exceed your expectations by offering our services to fulfill your flower needs.

Flowers by the Bay is a family owned and operated florist at Gumdale in Brisbane. We have been around for over 15 years with Jacky and her family taking over in 2018.  We pride ourselves on providing personal and prompt service to all your flower needs.  We can provide flower arrangements for any occasion.

We have great range of the freshest flowers available, sourced from local Australian suppliers.

Flowers by the Bay is a small business and we operate from a real shop in Gumdale in Brisbane’s East.  

Please give us a call on 07-3890 3600 with any questions during our opening hours (Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5.00pm, Saturday 8.30am to 2.00pm) and our team will personally help you with your flower needs to create something extra special for any occasion.  We can make to order for either in-store pickup or delivery.

We provide daily flower delivery to Brisbane, Logan and Redlands areas with "Contactless Delivery".  For delivery information, go to our Delivery page here.


What we offer!

We provide flowers for every occasion.  Flower arrangements as bouquets, boxed arrangements, vase arrangements, funeral/sympathy flowers, celebration flowers, corporate arrangements, table arrangements, formals and weddings.

In store we also have a large range of artificial and dried flowers, plants, gift lines, candles, diffusers, snap button jewellery, soft toys, and cards.
We have an in-store Coffee Cafe with barista coffees, speciality teas, milkshakes and thickshakes.
We are happy to discuss either in person in our shop, by phone or email any specific floral requirements.
Give our friendly team a call on 3890 3600, fill in the Contact form or email

We deliver to Brisbane, Redlands and Logan with local suburbs including:

Gumdale QLD 4154 | Wakerley QLD 4154 | Wynnum QLD 4178 | Wynnum West QLD 4178 | Manly QLD 4179 |

Manly West QLD 4179 | Lota QLD 4179 | Lytton QLD 4179 | Hemmant QLD 4174 | Birkdale QLD 4159 |

Thorneside QLD 4158 | Wellington Point QLD 4160 | Ransome QLD 4154 | Belmont QLD 4153 | Tingalpa QLD 4173 |

Capalaba QLD 4157 | Alexandra Hills QLD  4161 | Cleveland QLD 4163 | Raby Bay QLD 4163 | Carindale QLD 4152 |

Carina QLD 4152 | Burbank QLD 4156 | Mackenzie QLD 4156 |